Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Week 2 - Attitude and Pyramid Sets

January 27, 2015
Alright, folks. This is now my second week of posting, as well as the second week of my journey into the bodybuilding.com $200,000 Transformation Challenge. In this weeks video I talk about some pyramid sets that I tried at the gym the other day, which gave me a killer pump. I started each exercise with a lighter weight to where I could perform 15-20 reps, then I gradually increased the weight each set until I could only do 2-4 reps, then I would drop back down to the original weight (or slightly heavier) for the last set and just bang out as many reps I could muster until failure. each exercise ended up being about 5-8 sets. This gave me a great pump. Also, in this video I talk about ATTITUDE, and a very motivational gentleman that I met this week who inspired me to appreciate all the physical abilities I have, and to use them to the best of my abilities. He is an ex-motorcycle police officer and swat team member who was paralyzed in a head in collision while on his motorcycle. His attitude was very positive, despite his loss of so much, and helped me to appreciate what we often take for granted... our physical abilities. Use Them!!!
Motivational tip of the week: Without a positive attitude, you can talk yourself out of anything. You have to truly believe that you are capable of accomplishing your goal before you even take the first step. Like Johnny Depp said in Once Upon a Time in Mexico, "Are you a Mexi-CAN or a Mexi-CAN'T?" Ha! I love that line.
Fitness tip of the week: Learn from those around you. Look for those people at the gym that obviously know what they are doing, and have the results to prove it. I have learned many new things simply by watching the people at the gym that have met the physical achievements that I am striving for. Don't be shy. Most people who are passionate about fitness are also more than willing to share their secrets, and usually enjoy conversating about it.
Nutrition tip of the week: Trust your gut. Your stomach will let you know when it needs food. That doesn't mean that you should stuff yourself full of junk food every time your tummy rumbles, but it needs constant fuel throughout the day, so don't starve yourself thinking that a lack of food will help you meet your diet goals, because it won't. You will only feel miserable. Keep healthy snacks handy at all times, and indulge whenever your tummy gives you the word. The key is "Healthy" foods. Keep it clean, y'all! Here's a great article with healthy snack ideas. http://www.buzzfeed.com/caseygueren/healthy-noms
Metal song of the week: Meshuggah: Bleed
Hip-Hop song of the week: DMX: Stop Being Greedy. I know this is kinda old school, but this came on the other day while I was working out, and had my ipod on shuffle, and I couldn't help but bob my head. Enjoy.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Pre-Workout Tips

Hey guys & gals,

I just wanted to post a quick video offering my input on pre-workout supplements. Feel free to comment below with your own input. Again, I am not an expert. Just some dude learning as he goes. Enjoy. I will be posting my week two video soon. Lots of inspiring words to come in that one. Stay tuned...

Monday, January 19, 2015

First Post - Why I am blogging.

January 19, 2015
So, about a week and a half ago I signed up for a body transformation contest, put on by bodybuilding.com. It is called the $200,00 Transformation Challenge. That is what sparked me to start this blog. I have had a gym membership for quite some time now, but have not made it a priority in my life. My business has driven me to only go to the gym about once a week, and for those who know what it takes to be in shape, you know that once a week is simply not enough. When I read about this contest I had the same reaction that I usually do to stuff like this, I though "meh, why not". I probably won't win, but it's free, so who cares. Then as I sat there thinking more about it, it started to sink in. I started to think about what winning this competition could do to my current financial struggle, as well as my own self-esteem, and the example that it would set for my children to see me work so hard to achieve a goal. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I am just as capable as any other participant at winning this thing. I just had to stay focused, and make every choice, and every action count. I have to give it everything I've got. I already had a good amount of knowledge regarding working out, and eating healthy, I just had to make the hard step, and actually DO IT! I had to set my business aside, and make this my priority. so here I am, beginning my journey. This is my second week working out since joining the contest. Each week I will try to post a new blog, along with a short video to update you guys on my progress, as well as a tip of the week, and a song of the week. So here we go...
Motivational tip of the week: Look ahead, and decide what's important, then MAKE the time to achieve it. Life won't slow down to let you catch up. You have to lace up your shoes and get moving.
Fitness tip of the week: Don't let your need to impress those nearby you at the gym distract you from using proper form, and the proper weight for your body. Just because the hulk next to you is putting two 45 lb. plates on each side of the barbell for his bench press doesn't mean that you need to, or are even able to do. Find your limit that you can do with proper form, and don't exceed it, until your body grows, and is able to increase properly.
Nutrition tip of the week: Tilapia. It's a cheap, nutritious way to get lean protein. I get a 2lb. family sized bag of it in the frozen seafood section of my local grocery store. Each piece is individually wrapped, so when I am ready to eat some, I just fill the sink with hot water, let it soak (in the wrapping) for a few minutes, then throw it in a pan with a little olive oil, or real butter, and some healthy seasoning, then BAM! It's done pretty quick. Goes great with whatever veggies you like.
Metal song of the week: The royal: Lilith
Hip-Hop song of the week: Jedi Mind Tricks: Design in Malice