Monday, March 30, 2015

Before and After Photo


Week 11 Finished. Last week of 12 week competition!!!

Well, folks. This is it. The last week of the 12 week Body Transformation online competition. Although I have 5 days left, I am going to take my 'after' photos tonight, because I know I will get busy this week, and I would hate to miss the deadline, so I will be posting them early. I should have them online by tomorrow evening. I want to thank everyone for your support, and I also want to let you all know that this is only the end of the beginning for me. I feel that I have made this a lifestyle change, and I am even more excited for what's to come with my body transformation, and general level of health and fitness. I hope I have inspired someone, and please feel free to leave me comments and/or questions. Thanks again!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Week 9/10 - Crunch Time!!!

March 24, 2015
Well, I don't have a video to go along with this week's post, because I have been super busy with work, and keeping my momentum going with my workouts. It is now the end of week 10, which means there are only 2 more weeks left in the competition. The closer I get, the more unsure I get of my chances. I know this is just my mind psyching myself out, but it's a hard hurdle to overcome indeed. I feel that I have been giving 100% at the gym, and my diet has been pretty good, not perfect, but good. I took some progress photos of myself with my phone the other day, and I can definitely see the changes, mainly in my muscle mass, but I just struggle to see the decrease in abdominal fat. I know this is typically the last thing to go, and it probably won't show until months after the competition ends, but I am convinced that I have made this lifestyle change permanent, so I am excited to see what else is to come down the road. Thank you for all your support, and I will have the final photos posted once the competition is over. Wish me luck.
Motivational tip of the week: Recognize your progress, and let it drive you further towards your goals. A great physique won't be achieved overnight, so don't give up.
Fitness tip of the week: Don't forget to hit each muscle from all the various angles. Don't neglect the odd exercises just because you don't see anyone else in the gym doing them. One of my favorite exercise is face pulls. They look kinda goofy, but hit the rear delts like most other exercises can't.
Nutrition tip of the week: Thin cuts of meat cook quicker. Remember this when you are short on time. I always try to have regular cuts of meat, because they are more cost effective, but I also try to keep some thin cuts handy as well, because I can cook them in a pan in no time. Quick protein.
Metal song of the week: Every Time I Die: A Typical Myrical
Hip-Hop song of the week: Outerspace: Written in Blood

Monday, March 9, 2015

Week 8 - Mix it Up!

March 9, 2015
Not a whole lot to report this week. Still on track, and sticking with my program. I worked out with a buddy one day this past week at his gym, and it was good to be in a different environment with different equipment, following a different routine. I used that opportunity to switch up my split, which I continued throughout the remainder of the week, and will continue to do so through the end of the competition. Also, I found a great video on youtube about proper bench press form, mistakes, and how to maximize your bench weight. When I tried this at the gym, and followed the instructions, I was able to add 20 lbs. to my set weight. WooHoo! Here's the link...
Motivational tip of the week: Focus!!! Unless you are skipping to the next music track on your phone, keep it in your pocket. Don't get it out to check your facebook page, or to text your buddies. Maximize every minute that you are at the gym. You can check your tweets when you get home. Focus!!!
Fitness tip of the week: Try working out with a buddy, and letting them guide you through their routine, to see if there is anything you can add or substitute in your own routine.
Nutrition tip of the week: Made some of these today...
Metal song of the week: Gojira: To Sirius
Hip-Hop song of the week: Hopsin: Ill Mind of Hopsin 5. I chose this song because it appeals to my straight edge way of life, but this may not appeal to everyone.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Week 6/7 - Getting Out of a Slump.

March 3, 2015
Well, I didn't post last week, so I'm trying to catch up a little bit here. I have been under the stress of financial burdens lately, and have let them affect my mood, and motivation. I have still been going to the gym consistently, but have not given 100%, plus I have made a couple small, poor diet choices. Overall, not too bad, but I feel that I am getting out of the slump, so I need to give 110% to make up for it. In this weeks video I talk about surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who are working towards the same fitness goals as you, but to expand upon that, I think the key is to also surround yourself with those who are where you want to be physically, who have already accomplished what you are trying to accomplish. Feed off of their knowledge, and put it to work. I struggle with this a bit, because I am a bit of an introvert, so I don't actively seek out people to join me in my fitness endeavors. Also, the closest person to me, my spouse, does not share the same fitness goals as I do, so I don't have a constant partner at home. I hope to improve upon this, but for now I need to push myself as far as I can. Please feel free to leave a comment with your support and/or advice. Thanks!
Motivational tip of the week: Let your time in the gym be just that, time in the gym. Leave your worries at the door, and focus on why you are there. Get Some!!!
Fitness tip of the week: Don't neglect your core. The often overlooked muscles in your core provide support, especially for those who spend large amounts of time seated in a chair for work, or leisure.
Nutrition tip of the week: Mixing eggs and dry oatmeal in a bowl with a little cinnamon, then cooking it in a pan makes a great, healthy alternative to a pancake. Drizzle a little honey on top for taste. Makes a great protein & healthy carb combo.
Metal song of the week: Limp Bizkit: The Truth. Okay, I know I'm gonna get some crap for choosing this one. Look, I haven't been into anything this band has put out in over a decade, but I coincidentally stumbled across this song online, and there's no denying that it has a great groove, so get over the fact that it's Limp Bizkit, and give it a listen. Wes shows his passion while playing guitar, and Fred shows some great passion at the end of the video, just like he used to have in the old 'Three Dolla Bill' days.
Hip-Hop song of the week: Demigodz: Raiders Cap